Telephone numbers and e-mail address Contact information
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News flashes NEWS

Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions
Details of Jacqueline Chapman's Belly Dancing classes in the UK Regular weekly

UK Workshops Weekend

Private tuition with Jacqueline Chapman Private tuition
Jacqueline Chapman's video - 'Belly Dancing' Belly
Dancing DVD and video

      Eastern Bazaar (items for sale) Middle Eastern Bazaar
Details of Jacqueline Chapman's International Belly Dancing Workshops International

Links to related sites on the web Web links
Jacqueline Chapman's autobiography page Autobio-

Belly Babies pre- and post-natal classes "Belly Babies" classes
List of UK belly dancing teachers Teachers in other areas
Celebrity squares!! Celebrity
picture gallery

Jacqueline Chapman's media credits Media

Jacqueline's favourite poem My favourite poems!
Page of information on Raqs Orientale Information on Raqs Orientale

picture of Jacqueline in white cabaret costume



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picture of Jacqueline in purple/orange cabaret costume picture of Jacqueline in gipsy costume picture of Jacqueline in traditional bedouin costume

(click on any thumbnail photograph to see a full-size picture)

Jacqueline Chapman is Britain's leading professional belly dancer, choreographer and teacher. She has won national and international acclaim as a quintessential English dancer who is able to perform and choreograph with authenticity and genuine feeling for this Middle Eastern art-form.

This website provides autobiographical information about Jacqueline and gives details of her regular public and private classses and workshops.  It also provides information on associated articles for purchase (teaching video, costumes, etc.) and on special events, such as her International holiday / workshops to Cairo, Istanbul, Marrakech etc.  It is updated on a regular basis, but please contact Jacqueline for the latest information if you are planning to attend any class or workshop.

Jacqueline regularly receives emails asking questions about performing, her classes or bellydancing in general.  She responds to every email she receives, but often this takes days, or even weeks, when she is really busy.  
Do checkout the Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQs") page FAQs before sending an email; as this answers the vast majority of the queries received.

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This page last updated on 29th October 2006.  Individual pages (particularly classes and workshops pages and the teacher listings) are updated very frequently.
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Photographs, text and website code copyright Jacqueline Chapman since 1990.
You may download a copy of any photograph or section of text for your personal use, but they may not be duplicated or published in any way without Jacqueline's written permission. A fee may apply.

Website designed and maintained by Ian James - [email protected]
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